What's With Age Anyway

In anticipation of my upcoming nth birthday this week ... I realized that when I'm asked about my age, it takes quite a while before I could accurately recall it... really, no kidding! And most of the time, the automatic response is "late 20's." I'm stuck! Am I refusing to move on? Or am I just too afraid to accept that I've "matured" (hehe, a more graceful term for OLD) and still haven't matched what society typically expects from someone my age.
It saddens me to realize that Christ left the world at age 33 and so did Jose Rizal. It's crazy but sometimes I even dare think how I pale in comparison to these guys. I haven't even done a 100,000th fraction of what they accomplished! But then again, who says we were born equal? Some guys were meant to matter to the whole world, others barely have enough talent and resources that they could only matter to themselves.
And then there's the classic excuse of "I don't have enough time..." There are so many things I want to accomplish. There are so many paths I want to try out, but alas... I got only one life to live. But even then, I refuse to say that "I don't have enough time!" And each time this excuse tries to creep up in my mind, I would think of something I read many years back...
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

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